Levy Gems,Minerva House
26-27 Hatton Garden
London EC1N 8BR
United Kingdom
After leaving university with a degree in mathematics, Harry Levy took a part-time job in lecturing in his professional field while also dabbling in the gemstone trade. Soon after, he left the academic world and became fully engaged in the gemstone trade and founded his own company, Levy Gems, in London.
Throughout his public career, Harry has served the industry in a variety of capacities. Over the years, he has served several terms as vice president of the London Diamond Bourse, and also held the presidency of the British Jewellers Association (BJA). He currently serves as Vice President of the London Diamond Bourse and Club.
At CIBJO, the International Jewellery Confederation, Harry served alternately as president and vice president of the Coloured Stone Commission. He also served on the Laboratory Commission, and for 10 years, through March 2008, was president of the Diamond Commission.
Harry was asked to join the board of the IDC in order to foster greater understanding between CIBJO and the IDC, and in particular to help bridge the differences between IDC and CIBJO nomenclature.
Harry Levy holds a master’s degree in mathematics and a degree in philosophy, and is a Fellow of Gem-A, the Gemmological Association of Great Britain.
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