Antwerp, Belgium – April 4, 2011: The International Diamond Council (IDC) announced today that it has completed the German translation of the "IDC Rules for Grading Diamonds" and has uploaded a PDF file of the German-language version on the organization's website. The file can be downloaded at:internationaldiamondcouncil.org.
Antwerp, Belgium – July 1, 2010: The International Diamond Council (IDC) announced its intention to post a Chinese-language version of its "IDC Rules for Grading Diamonds" on its website. At the same time, it will also post the updated, English-language and authoritative version of the IDC rules.
IDC Chairman Stephane Fischler said the Chinese translation was the first of a series of translations that would be made available. "The IDC rules need to be accessible to a wide as possible, global audience. Since the IDC rules are the diamond business' single, authoritative, international set of rules with regard to nomenclature, we will continue to make them accessible to a wide audience and into as many languages as we can.
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