The Israel Diamond Exchange
Jabotinsky Road 3
52520 Ramat Gan
In 1976, Mr. Wertheim entered the diamond business, and specialised in cleaving large stones. He ran his own business for about seven years and then moved on to manufacturing and trading. Since 1983, he has operated as a diamond broker.
Mr. Wertheim joined the Israel Diamond Exchange in 1977 and was elected to serve on the IDE board for the first time in 1992. Since then he has headed a series of IDE committees, such as the Admission Committee and the New Members Committee. For four-term periods, covering eight years, he headed the IDE Judicial Committee and held a seat on the IDE Executive Committee.
Since 1994, Mr. Wertheim has been a member of the Judicial Committee of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses. He has been serving as the Committee's chairman since 2000. He currently serves as Chairman of the International Arbitration Committee of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB).
Mr. Wertheim has been an officer of the International Diamond Council since 2005.
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